Over an early supper last night, I looked deep into my husband's brown eyes and asked him if he was ready to begin week 3 of our 'mutiny to excess' fast. Week three is the most dreaded of all weeks for us. Fast from media - tv, internet and all it's glories - does not sound like an appealing week for either of us to participate -- maybe its a sign we need to do it more? We know its possible - afterall, everything is possible with Jesus Christ, but with all the life stuff we are currently juggling taking away my hour or two of mindless entertainment is simply going to make me grumpy (or as Dave would say: grumpier).
So, after some discussion, we are postponing Media week to another week (maybe during a week we plan to be camping or something, ha!), and will be continuing the fast on Clothing and Possessions. The reality being... we aren't done yet! I still have bags of clothes and shoes to give away in the hall way. We trip on them everyday! We haven't even looked at any other source of excess - movies, books, kitchen stuff - to weed through and give away.
To be honest, we simply need to give ourselves some grace and more time to do it right. We've been running non-stop it seems, and I think it was on purpose that in the book 7, Jen Hatmaker takes a whole month for each different "fast," and gives herself and her family a couple weeks inbetween to prepare themselves for the weeks ahead. And even one of her friends on the Council has a hard time with media week and does her own limited version. This isn't about following a set of rules, I believe.
So, we shall continue to unload our earthly possessions, and limit any excessive shopping. And Media week can just wait. We will "watch" our consumption of media this week -- limiting needless usage, etc, because its doable and probably better for us anyways. So there Media week!
I know, Media week was the worst. I am checking pinterest right now while Rams watches Sesame Street. Do you want to do a garage sale with me and some other 7 people? We are planning on it being the 23rd and 24th of March. I want to hear more about how Lent is going!!!!!
Posted by: Dlmayfield.wordpress.com | Mar 14, 2012 at 05:09 PM