I woke up exhausted this morning.
Perhaps it was because I tossed and turned all night as Elwood, who was not the best cat ever, sang up a storm all night. Atleast with children you can duct tape their mouths shut, not possible with cats. [Note: I would never really duct tape a crying kid's mouth shut.]
Perhaps its because I spent the bulk of my weekend reading a book called "A Courtship After Marriage" which told me everything I didn't know I needed to know about marriages in Mexico comparative to their migrant counterparts with specific differences in the young women's marriages versus their mothers... And then, I wrote up the discussion responses (which I was really proud of!) and the prof writes back this morning saying that I missed the point of the assignment all together. Great generalizations, but you missed the boat, kiddo. [Okay, those are not his words exactly...] I wasn't to agree that the marriages were different, which apparently is obvious, but whether or not they are better.. blah blah. I seriously want to cry a little. Is this what school is? Because I had forgotten the frustrations of trying to understand and please professors when all you want to do is learn things.
This week I have to write an essay for aforementioned professor about the same book. I am scared to death.
It doesn't help that this week, on top of the homework for my other class, I have a conference that will take me away Friday night and most of Saturday. Plus I have a meeting Sunday afternoon. I have two lifegroups to attend. And Mel and Chris will be back this and will want their house back... so I need to move out and clean things sparkly again.
I am feeling very whiny right now. Now, I must be off to the chiropractors because my back is hurting from my car accident last weekend when the unmarked police car u-turned in front of me...
Life. Is. Great.