So, I haven't written a post in quite a while. A lot has been going on! Shocking, I am sure! So, I am taking some time before I head off to Dreamland to listen to some tunes [currently James Blunt-- I like being told I am beautiful!] and update my collective audience on the comings and goings of their funny friend.
Well, for starters yesterday was the Perfect Day. Really. I think the only thing that could have made it more perfect would be ending the night cuddling on the couch with a good looking man-- well, I did cuddle on the couch with Elwood, but I am trying to avoid the Cat Lady stereotype (unsuccessfully, I am afraid). But honestly, I didn't need a Prince Charming to make yesterday better. It was Perfect. From beginning to end, I was filled with joy. The Holy Spirit took me on a ride, you could say. To sum it up as briefly as possible...
1. woke up with the perfect amount of time to get ready before heading to church by 8:15am. All my laundry was clean, so I had choice of my current fav outfit. It was a good hairday.
2. Made it to church for meeting #1: lifegroup coaches meeting. Really enjoyed the time with others working in one of the ministries I love the most. Excited about helping people get plugged into groups were they can have community, friendship, and support.
3. Spent some time in the church lobby between first and second services. Made a lunch appointment with a woman in the church I respect and love to meet with because she is so intune with the Holy Spirit and talks about things like visions and dreams and prayer. Also, saw my friend Ashley whom I miss so much because she a HOOT and she's been way busy with work, and since our small group took a break, we hadn't seen each other.
4. Went to meeting #2: benevolence team meeting. Recently, a new job responsibility was added to my administrative repretoire: being the office filter for benevolence calls. Yes, pray for me now! I feel honored to be in a such role, but it does not come from minor anxiety attacks! The meeting was great. I felt couraged by the team members, and excited about helping people (hmm, pattern) when they are in crisis.
5. Went to church third service. Oh, probably the first time I had made it to a regular church service in over a month. No wonder my spiritual cup has filled so dry! I got to sit with my friend Beth and in a moment where I felt God pushing me, I asked Beth if we could pray over communion together. It felt so good to pray with a friend. I didn't feel so alone and so single. (not that I normally do during communion, but anyways...) Service was great. LAUGHED MY HEAD OFF with Pastor George's comedy act with long tme church member Connie, who was his "volunteer" in helping to teach a simple evangelistic tool to the church. I then got to help with Baptisms, where I help greet people after they are baptized and take polaroids so we in the office can identify them and send them certificates, etc. Its always a blessing to be a part of someone's baptism. That service five people were baptized. Total, 17 people were baptized that Sunday.
6. Then I was off to meet alc singles (FUEL) at the Spaghetti Factory for lunch. That was fun, met some new people and got to visit with long time friend Kori. Ate delicious mitizithra cheese too!
7. Short break, where I went home to sit and collect myself. Deep breath. Called friend Tiffany and scheduled a movie night Wednesday. Have been trying to make plans with each for awhile, so was excited to have something on the calendar!!!
8. Back to church for meeting #3, this time for the women's retreat- which ironically I am unable to even attend! I like helping because I like the ladies on the team, esp. the retreat captain, Julie. She is so nice, and I like it when we get to talk! Was able to be productive and got myself ready for some work to do today.
9. Met up with various people in the lobby for some chat time. Always fun, then decided to get a peppermint hot chocolate. While waiting in line, I starting talking to a woman (whom I learned was our campus pastor's mom) about learning Spanish. Me for Nicaragua, her for work with the Parkrose Church (alc multi-site). Was great talking to her, then this woman asked if she could pray for me, for me to have the ability to communicate when I go to Nicaragua. (she heard me complaining about my lack of a rolling tongue) And she did! Laid her hands right on me in line for hot chocolate! Then she prayed Susan (the pastor's mom). We then talked more about Nicaragua and she pulls out $20 to help support my trip. It was amazing. I felt so blessed and shocked.
10. I then took my hot chocolate to the couches and visited with a series of pastors who needed a little rest between activities, until the Uprising crew arrived... Visited with them a bit until Uprising began... but wait, am stopped by Pastor Randy who tells me that Devin (whom I call Cute Boy, goodness, I hope he doesn't read that, oh well if he does!) wants to lead a mens lifegroup! Yeah! I am elated! So, we make plans to add some small group announcements in the mix of that night's Uprising schedule.
11. I make some announcements, which normally FREAKS ME OUT! But it was fun. Then, during Uprising worship I feel God pressing me to share in front of the group about what He is doing in my heart, including some recent ephipanies re: 1 Corinthians 10:13. So, I ask Randy if I can share, and he agrees... and I do! I was so nervous, but I spoke from my heart and it was amazing. I felt like I was connecting with people. I saw heads nodding. The whole night was amazing, as others shared during the night... It felt like we were a community open to share with one another.
12. Then a group of us went to Applebee's-- I was starving!-- and had a great night visiting, laughing- a night of beautiful bonding. And it snowed. Yes, beautiful white flakes that I danced under in the parking lot.
I went home, wanting so badly to write everything down, but was so pleasantly tired... I went to bed... but not before pulling out my daily devotional which had me reading Isaiah 49:5-7. Go ahead and look it up... my fav part was "The Lord has honored me, and my God has given me strength." and "I will make you a light...and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth." (okay, I paraphrased and took out a lot there). But it was a perfect reminder to my perfect day. God honors us when we obey Him, when we love Him and serve Him wholeheartedly. He gives us strength to get through days that should by all means burn out out. [the titanic soundtrack is now playing] We are also called to be lights, He promises us that we will be light to others and through that we will bring His love and salvation to others all over the globe-- exciting to think about as a I prep for Nicaragua!
All in all, the day was amazing. This post is long, but I had to make up for lost time. :) I am also not going to edit/proofread until tomorrow... so bear with my grammatical imperfections! And I know I missed a lot-- like talking to Joy and my friendship with this guy at church Jason- God is working in him!! And well, I could go on and on... Its funny how Sunday was Ephipany day on the church calendar.
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