ugh. there is so much to do and not enough time to do it all! :)
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ugh. there is so much to do and not enough time to do it all! :)
Posted at 09:00 AM in prayer requests | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
wow. i feel blessed. today was a wonderful, amazing day. i feel so special, so loved, so full. my friends, my co-workers are incredible. i think i will go to sleep with a big smile on my face.
thank you.
Posted at 11:21 PM in grown up? | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
My 18th Birthday. I was on my first-ever House-sitting gig. And, of course, I planned my own birthday party to take place! I thought I was so BAD and SNEAKY planning a party without my parents. Of course, little did I know that my friend Josh (and Jake?) ran into my parents at the local Safeway while picking up my birthday cake and totally spilled the beans. Oh well. The house had a swimming pool and hot tub, so we all pretty much just played in the water.
The following year (I am pretty sure this was my 19th birthday!), Becca and I were in our party planning mode and planned a double birthday extravaganza. (Her birthday is July 6th). We spent forever planning a fancy appetizer menu, then cooked them for our specially invited guests - whom we made dress up!! After appetizers and martinelli's in fancy glasses, we had dinner at Skamania Lodge. Its funny. One of the biggest things I remember about that night was at dinner after we prayed over our meal, an older-grandpa man next to us spoke to us and said that it was a wonderful thing to see young people pray over their meal.
I don't know what I did for 20 or 22. I think for one of them, my good friends Becca, Steve, and Darren planning a picnic at the gorge and we went on a hike. For my 20th birthday... ugh, I have no clue. I believe I got my first bouquet of flowers from a boy on that birthday...Becca and I also went horseback riding on of those years... ugh, I must be old to not remember!
For my 21st, my parents took me to the Olive Garden. I ordered a glass of wine, but since I really hadn't ever tried alcohol before, I had no idea what to order. The waiter was teasing me, and my parents (who hate drinking) were giving me a bad time... I think they all thought I really had drank before!
Okay, I believe I am turning 23 in this picture. Isn't it sad that I am just guessing! My cousin Christyanne took pity on me on my birthday and took me to dessert at Papa Hydens. My cousin is the one with short hair. The blond is a close friend of hers!
Oh, the year I got to spend my birthday yelling numbers for Hood-to-Coast in the middle of the night! I know it was my 24th birthday, because I still have that shirt and it says 2004 on it! :) I remember whining a lot that I was spening my birthday in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, calling out numbers from the top of my lungs. Ang was with me, and in retrospect, it was a pretty memorable way to celebrate one's birthday! hmmm.
For my 25th birthday, I planned a big BBQ at Barton Park. I had so much fun planning the party. Probably had more fun planning it, than the actual party. How sad is that!
Last year, my favorite birthday memory was when two of the high school girls at my church had studied my "things I want to do someday list" posted on myspace and planned my "French Fry Taste Test Contest." They bought fries from all the local fast food restaurants and we tried them all out, and wrote up our results for the Unseen (youth group) bulletin!
What will I do today for my birthday? Well, like all my previous birthdatys, I will visit all the Hollywood Videos I have an account with and get my FREE VIDEO RENTAL. Sad, I know, but its only because I CAN, that I DO. Usually I rent Blue Lagoon, but since I purchased it this year... I have no clue what I will rent this year...
Posted at 09:52 PM in grown up? | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I know it will cause too many problems and you really can't play God (The Butterfly Effect), but I sometimes wish I could back in time and change how I did some things. Its not that I live each day with regret, okay maybe a little, but looking back at my past, reflecting on some the decisions I made... I have to wonder, What in the heck was I thinking? Why didn't anyone tell me what a fool I was being?
You out there, if you are reading this post, answer me this: If you could, for some crazy, supernatural reason, go back in time and give yourself advice... would you? what would you say?
Posted at 05:26 PM in grown up? | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tonight is the last official night for my small group. I have mixed feelings going into the night. I didn't plan anything special. I don't have anything on the agenda. It will be just us girls and an evening to share and pray with one another.
I suppose I am a little disappointed in myself. After so much time and energy going into the group over the past year or so, to have nothing planned for tonight... I wish I had made each member special presents or something.
Maybe just being together is enough. Maybe it was always enough.
Posted at 05:16 PM in church | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
i don't want to write too much here. too much of hope and heart can be a painful thing.
but, this morning, i had a wake up call. literally. at 7:15 am.
i had the opportunity to be a friend.
Lord i trust You.
Posted at 11:29 AM in love or something like it | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
i don't know if i say this enough, but i got a pretty sweet job.
i do what i love and am good at it. (i know this because people tell me this!) i get to work with people who love Jesus and who's life passions center on bringing people to Jesus Christ. i get to be creative, organized, social, nerdy.
when i wake up and when i close my eyes to sleep, i get to rest in the knowledge that what i do, how i spend the bulk of my time, is pleasing to God.
(sometimes, i wonder if thats really true. but God is good. there is grace and forgiveness.)
in case you don't know (you probably do though), i work on the administrative team at my church.
on that team, are some the coolest, smartest women ever. i don't just write that because i know some of them will read this either. its really true.
every other week the a-team gets together to pray together. we are support staff, and what better way to show support to staff, elders, church members, etc, than to pray our hearts out!
heading the pack of amazing a-team women, is my boss, rachel. (she is also my friend. she was my friend first.) rachel is crazy good at her job. she juggles a million tasks, and still has time to laugh with/at us. you know she has your back. you know she cares for you. you know she will help you figure stuff out. you know she's game for office dress-up days. (hmm)
today, she took us on a field trip.
we visited nearby church. we visited lori.
lori is amazing. beautiful. smart. she loves jesus. she loves people. she loves her family, her husband.
lori has worked in the church office for (i believe i am remembering this correctly) over fifty years. she has seen, experienced major changes in how churches operate. she has served with every pastor that has led the church. she knows stories. she knows every nook and cranny of the church. she is the epitome of a church office lady.
as a church office lady myself just in the early years of my service, i hope, i pray that decades from now, i have her continued passion and love for what i do. i hope that now i can step back and appreciate so much more what i get to do. i pray against feelings of burn out, exhaustion, annoyance, frustration. they are not from God.
it was the best field trip ever. not because we got yummy quiznos or had some extra time away from the office (and like any time the a-team spends together, we laughed a lot!) but because returning back to my desk i was hit with overwhelming joy that i get to be a part of what abundant life is doing, i get to help reach as many people as possible for Jesus Christ.
i love my job. i wouldn't want to work anywhere else, for anyone else, with anyone else. i am blessed.
Posted at 10:15 PM in church | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
i am sitting in the kia waiting room. i have to pee, but i am too lazy to get up, pack up my stuff, etc. my car is being worked on. oil change. and i have a bad alternator. its taking a long time because they had to get the part from gladstone. i figure i would rather wait now, than come back later. so far, i have been pretty productive. the invites to ang's bachelorette party are coming together, i am writing a post now, and i have checked my email a million times.
somewhere my friends katie and tessa are working. they work in the service office at kia and gm, respectively. maybe when i get over my laziness, i will go say hi. i actually have a chocolate chip cookie for each of them. thanks quiznos.
the good thing about the alternator being bad is that its under warranty! beautiful warrantys! no moola from my pocket for that!
maybe i'll be able to take a nap. nah. then, i will snore. and probably wet the coach. not too good to go. would probably humilate katie and tessa.
okay. i am bored.
Posted at 03:13 PM in random | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I found this while surfing the blog scene: click here
Posted at 06:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
it's nearly 2 am. for the millionth night in a row, I am awake. tired. but not able to sleep. my hair sticks to my neck its so warm. my poor air conditioner is struggling. i know tomorrow i will have That Look again: dark eyes, pale skin, grumpy.
i don't know why i haven't been able to sleep lately. its certainly not that i am not tired. yes, there are things going on, but i've been scaling down. work is fine. friendships are fine. things are fine.
i could by lying.
obviously not lying in bed, dreaming weird dreams.
sigh. i will try again. close my eyes. think of deep, wonderful sleep.
what do you do when you can't sleep?
Posted at 01:45 AM in random | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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